Scheduled activities/shifts
This section of the guide contains information for how to search for and sign up to a shift.
This is a scheduled activity as it is a support request for a future date, rather than an urgent same day request, it may also be flexible and needs to be completed before the expiry date that will be shown.
Support requests will appear in the 'Activities' section of the app. This can be found at either the top or bottom of the screen depending on your phone operating system.
Filtering the activities
All upcoming available activities will display in the activity tab.
To filter the activities:
1.Press the 'Filter the activities' button. Then select the role type from the top menu by scrolling up or down the list 'All task types' which will display all the roles you have applied for on your profile.
2. You can filter by date by swiping the date, month and year fields up or down to your chosen date. You are not able to search a date range so you will need to search multiple times if you want to check a number of days.
3. Select the maximum distance from your location that you are willing to travel to by moving the red responder button up to a maximum of 25km.
4. Finally press 'Set filter' to view your search results, or 'Clear filter' to reset it to the list that will show all available tasks.
Available support requests
Available support requests will show in a list based on the distance to your location, they will detail the role and activity and the date and start/end time of the support request and the distance from your current location to that activity.
Ten activities per role type i.e. Community Response will show at one time if no filter is in place.
If you click or swipe on an available support request it will show the details for that activity.
The role will be in BOLD i.e. In Home and the activity type is detailed below i.e. Companionship Visit. The request will give information about the preferred date/time and the distance away from your location.
Accepting the task
If you wish to accept it click or swipe the activity and then click on 'Accept'. Alternatively, you can view the task information before accepting by clicking on 'Show details'.
Show details will give you the following information:
Location on map with the postcode.
Activity info start date and time, end date and time and any additional information that you need to be aware of regarding the task, such as where to go and who to report to on arrival or details of the task itself i.e. Mary requires a volunteer to help with ordering books from the library online.
Contact will show the contact details for either a site lead or the person being supported. Please note these will only show once the activity is accepted.
To navigate through these screens above please use the back/next button located at the bottom of the screen.
Once you have accepted the task it will show in your filter list as accepted at the top of the list as in the image below.
Cancelling attendance
If you find you are no longer able to attend a scheduled activity and wish to cancel your attendance, find it in your filtered list and then click on it and click 'decline'.
Please remember to cancel if you are no longer able to attend a shift. This enables the request to appear to other volunteers who could support the activity.
If an activity is cancelled by the organiser ‐ You will receive a push notification informing you a task you have already accepted has been cancelled by the organiser. This will be in 'messages' section on the app. The task will then be removed from the 'Task' section.
Completing the activity
Once you have attended the activity you must complete it on the app by finding it in your filtered list and clicking or swiping on the task and then selecting 'Activity Complete'.
If you have accepted a Companionship Calls shift, please be aware this covers a 6‐week period and you must not complete the activity in the app until all calls have been made.
If you are supporting a site-based activity a pop up box with the following options will appear:
Activity Complete – to complete the activity if you attended.
Site did not require support – if you attended but were turned away. This allows us to follow up with the referrer to ensure they are not requesting volunteers who are not needed.
Back – if you need to navigate out of this screen.
For Pick Up and Deliver Plus – you will be asked an additional question to confirm how many deliveries were made.
If you are supporting a person the following pop up will appear.
Activity Complete – to complete the activity if you attended
Client did not answer – if you were unable to make contact with the client after a number of attempts. This allows us to follow up with the referrer to ensure the person is ok and is aware of the referral.
Client wishes to be removed - If a person states they no longer need support and want to be removed from the system press ‘client wants to be removed’. Our support team will receive the details and remove this person from the system.
No Help Needed - Contact was made with the person, but they didn’t want any support. It may be that this was part of an ongoing referral that has a number of weeks left on it. Selecting this would enable the future weeks to continue but this week’s activity was not required.
Back – if you need to navigate out of this screen
For Companionship Calls – you will be asked an additional question in a pop up to confirm how many calls were made over the course of the support when you complete the activity.
Note: You will not be able to filter for further activities if you have an accepted activity that has not been completed.
The 'reports' tab in the app is available for you to provide feedback on shifts you have completed. You can click on the activity and provide feedback. For Site Support and Driver Support Plus this needs to be completed after each shift, this helps us to shape future volunteer experiences.
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Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024