Driver status and declaration
We have built a new status relating to whether you are able to drive as part of your role and need all volunteers to update their status.
The Driver Status and Declaration process must be started on the GoodSAM website at and is not available on the app.
1. You will need to login to your account using the username (email address) and password you entered when you signed up. If you don’t know your password you can enter your email address and click ‘reset password’.
2. Once logged in a pop up will appear asking you to complete your declaration if you haven't already.

3. If you are willing to drive as part of your activities, select ‘Yes – I am willing to drive’ from the drop-down box and then tick the box to confirm you have a driving licence and that the vehicle you use is appropriately insured, taxed and is roadworthy (including, where applicable MOT) and will be for the duration of your volunteering activity. This will update your profile to DRIVER.

4. If you cannot drive, select ‘No, I cannot drive’ from the drop-down. This will update your profile to NON-DRIVER.

5. If you can drive but cannot confirm you that the vehicle you use is appropriately insured, taxed and is roadworthy (including, where applicable MOT). This will update your profile to NON-DRIVER.

Being a NON-DRIVER doesn’t stop you from doing any of the activities, we just need the declaration to know if you are/will be driving and are insured to do so. The activities can be carried out using public transport, pedal bike or by foot where appropriate.
For any new volunteers who set their driver status but haven’t completed an ID check, all activities will be unticked/locked until the ID check is completed.
6. If you are DRIVER with ID Check and NO DBS, all activities in Level Red will automatically be ticked.

If you were an existing volunteer and previously had cardiac arrest and/or Vaccination Steward, then these will be ticked too.
7. If you are NON-DRIVER with ID Check and NO DBS, all activities in Level Red will automatically be ticked.
You will see that currently these are the same as a driver because as we’ve mentioned activities can be carried out whether or not you have a vehicle.
8. If you are DRIVER or NON-DRIVER with ID Check and DBS enhanced with adult barred, all activities in Level Red, Blue and Green will automatically be ticked.

PLEASE NOTE: Some volunteers will see additional activities such as Care Alert Responder and Ambulance Support – this depends if they are in the Local Authority area that they are being piloted – for more information, see pilot activities.
If you would like to change any of your activities, see amending volunteer activities.
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Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024