FAQs for Volunteer Responders

Driving Support

I'm a Pick Up and Deliver Volunteer, what will I be asked to collect/deliver?

Pick Up and Deliver Volunteers will be asked to deliver medicines or monitoring equipment to recently discharged people from hospital or in a virtual ward. These items will be delivered to a person's home address.

Any equipment you are given will be portable and can be handed over at the doorstep. Medicine deliveries will not contain any controlled substances.

I am a Pick Up and Deliver Volunteer, how will I receive my alerts?

You will receive information for the alert based on whether it is a one off urgent task or a scheduled task where you will potentially be delivering multiple items.

The alert will include details of where you are picking up the item(s) from, any additional information you may need such as parking information and the location you are delivering to. If the alert is for a scheduled task you will be given the delivery details when you arrive at the pick up location.

What if the person I am supporting has questions about the monitoring equipment I have delivered?

Please refer the person to contact the person name on their discharge letter or any information provided about the virtual ward.

The person being supported has asked me to return an old piece of monitoring equipment, or mobility aid such as a walking frame or crutches.

Please explain that this is not a permitted activity for Pick Up and Deliver, only items listed on the activity information by the hospital can be collected.

Please refer to Community Response and Driving Support for more FAQs.

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Page last reviewed: 14 August 2024