FAQs for Volunteer Responders

FAQs for Volunteer Responders

In this guide you will find answers to questions that you may have as a Volunteer Responder.

Page last reviewed: 01 December 2023

ID checking

You can find the guide for ID Checking in Using the GoodSAM app[1].

How will my ID be checked?

Reed Screening will use an upload of your government issued ID (such as a passport or driving licence) and conduct a likeness test against a selfie taken at the time of upload. This measure uses biometrics to compare the ID and your face, alongside checking that the ID is genuine.

Can I use a desktop computer for my ID check?

You can start the ID checking process on a desktop computer, however, you will need to continue the process on a smartphone. You will receive a text message with a link to click on which will direct you to the ID checking website.

What will happen to my data?

Please visit our privacy notice for volunteers[2] for further information.

I don't have the required ID to be ID checked?

If you don’t have the required ID, please contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[3] who will be able to advise you.

How long will it take for my ID to be checked?

In most cases the ID check is completed within minutes. If there is a problem with your ID upload, this could be detected at the time and hints and tips given on screen to help you to resolve the issue.

If there is a problem with the information you supply, Reed Screening will contact you directly using the email address and telephone number you have in GoodSAM to support you to progress your check.

I can't remember my password for GoodSAM?

If you can't remember the password you created when you signed up, you can reset it by clicking on the Reset Password button under the login section.

Why am I not receiving tasks after my ID check is complete?

Does your profile in GoodSam show your check is complete? If you received support in person from Reed Screening, your status will not automatically show as complete, please allow up to a week for this to update.

I’d like to speak to someone about ID checking?

You can contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[3] to speak to someone if you are unsure how to start the ID checking process via GoodSAM.

Once the ID checking process has begun if you need technical assistance you can contact Reed Helpdesk on 0161 537 3970[4] or email [email protected][5]

Will I get a notification when my ID is reviewed and accepted?

Yes, the status of your ID check will show on your profile on goodsamapp.org[6] and you will receive an email confirmation.

How long will it take for my ID to be checked?

In most cases the ID check is completed within minutes. If there is a problem with your ID upload, this could be detected at the time and hints and tips given on screen to help you to resolve the issue.

If there is a problem with the information you supply, Reed Screening will contact you directly using the email address and telephone number you have in GoodSAM to support you to progress your check.

How will I know if my ID is rejected?

Your profile in GoodSAM will show the status of your check.

My ID says 'In Review", what happens next?

Reed Screening will contact you within 3 days via the information you provided in your application. They will attempt to contact 3 times over 9 days. After this, your application will cease and you will need to start the process again.

Page last reviewed: 12 June 2024

DBS checking

What are DBS checks?

These checks are processed by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and may be requested when you apply for a job or volunteering role.

The types of check are as follows:

  • a basic check, which shows unspent convictions and conditional cautions
  • a standard check, which shows spent and unspent convictions and adult cautions, from the Police National Computer which have not been filtered in line with legislation
  • an enhanced check, which shows the same as a standard check plus any information held by local police that’s considered relevant to the role
  • an enhanced check with a check of the barred lists, which shows the same as an enhanced check plus whether the applicant is on the adults’ barred list, children’s barred list or both.

This information was taken from the Disclosure and Barring Service website where you can find more detailed guidance.

Who is processing the DBS checks?

The Volunteer Responders programme have partnered with Reed Screening[7] to undertake all Identity Checks and DBS checks on behalf of the programme.

What happens if I do not wish to undertake a DBS check?

DBS checks will be required for certain activities as defined by law. However, there will still be activities that you can undertake as part of the programme that do not require a DBS check. However, a DBS check only takes about 10 minutes an unlocks activities that you can choose to take part in.

Can I pay for my own DBS and use this to add additional roles?

No, only DBS checks undertaken through your GoodSAM Profile via our partner Reed will be accepted. You can apply via your GoodSAM profile and we cover the cost of the DBS.

Do I have to pay for a DBS check?

No. If it is required for the volunteering activity you have applied for we will cover the cost associated. You will just need to complete the DBS screening form as part of your application.

I have my own DBS registered with the update service can I use this?

If you have applied with your update service DBS through our partner Reed then yes you can use this but it must match the corresponding level for the activity you are adding. All DBS checks including any registered with the update service must be submitted via our partner Reed.

I submitted an application but it still isn’t showing as complete on the app

All applications are submitted to the Disclosure and Barring service within 2 days of the application being completed.

The length of time it takes to complete the checks will vary and is dependent on the level of check needed.

If you have not heard after 6 weeks please contact our support team who can follow this up for you. Your DBS status will show in your GoodSAM profile at goodsam.org.uk/login[8]

Can I still volunteer if I have a caution or conviction?

All DBS checks that return unspent cautions and convictions will be reviewed by the Volunteer Responders team, you will be involved in that review process.

Following the review a decision will be made as to the activities that you can undertake as part of the programme.

Page last reviewed: 10 January 2025

Support requests

I need help setting up the GoodSAM app and guidance on how to respond to/sign up for tasks

You'll find the step-by-step guidance for setting up the app and responding to alerts in the Getting You Started Guides and on our Volunteer Responders website[9]. We also have a video you can watch to help get you started:  GoodSAM app video[10].

Can I screenshot the person’s details so I can call them later?

The details of a task will remain on your phone for 2 days minimum. We ask that you do not screenshot the details as this may transfer to a storage area like the cloud. Please note that if you select that you have completed a task (prior to actually completing it) the details will disappear.

I have signed up for a scheduled task but can no longer help, what can I do?

Please call the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[11]

I have received an alert that is 50 miles away from me and I am not a Check In and Chat Volunteer?

Please 'Pass to another volunteer'. This may happen if the location settings are not correct on your phone. Make sure your location settings for your phone and the app are turned on and wait for another referral to come through. Please call our Support Team on 0808 196 3382 [11]if you require support. 

For Check In and Chat, location is not important as this is a telephone service.

Why am I receiving alerts after 7:30pm?

The GoodSAM app will only send notifications up to 7:30pm, however due to your signal/wifi availability/settings you may receive these alerts to your phone after this time. Please do not complete any requests after 8pm.

Why have I received an alert from yesterday?

This may happen if the referral was made and accepted by a volunteer who then dropped it after the 7:30pm cut-off. If you are unsure about whether you will be able to complete an alert, please reject it to ensure it is sent to another volunteer in time to avoid this happening.

Does being a Volunteer Responder mean you will be called to an emergency? Is this the same as a First Responder for heart attacks?

You will only be asked to support tasks linked to Volunteer Responder activities you agreed to do. The GoodSAM app is used by a number of organisations for different purposes, such as emergency responses. However, you will be using it as part of the Volunteer Responder programme, which does not involve dealing with medical emergencies.

How far in advance can I search for shifts?

Currently the app allows you to search 28 days in advance for shifts in the activities tab.

Why can I no longer see the site details on the Site Support tasks tile from the activites tab?

We have had to standardise the activity information on the tiles on the activities tab in order to protect client data, which also includes the Site Support tasks.

The tasks in the list are based on distance order which should bring the sites nearest to you to the top of the list. If you want to see the details, you can accept the task, view the information and decline if needed.

Accepting and declining tasks in this way doesn't affect your profile in any way.

Page last reviewed: 16 October 2024

Managing my activities

How do I review which activities I can support as a Volunteer Responder?

Volunteer Responders are able to view which activities they are able to support by logging in to your GoodSAM[12] account on the website.

Click on the 'Manage your current activities' tab. Here you will see the options available to you depending on whether you've completed your ID and DBS check (if required).

Can I add/remove roles?

Yes you can add or remove roles at any time. You may need to go through additional checks depending on which activities you select.

In these instances you can manually select to add them, go through the additional checks and these will be selected in your profile once cleared.

How do I update my driver status?

You will need to login to the GoodSAM website[12] (not the app) and go to the 'Manage my roles' tab. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm your driving status or you can click the button the page to complete your driver declaration.

Why are you collecting my driver status?

To continuously improve the programme, we are capturing driver information to understand who is willing to drive for any existing and any upcoming activities.

You only need to do this once the next time you login to your GoodSAM[12] account. This will need to be done on the website, and cannot be changed on the app. However, you can amend this at any time by logging in and changing your status.

Page last reviewed: 12 June 2024

Lone working

Why has a lone volunteering button appeared on the GoodSAM App?

Some volunteers may start to see a new button in the app called ‘Lone Working’. Lone working is an app function we have introuduced for some of our roles. 

I can't see the lone working button on my GoodSAM app?

Some volunteers may not be able to see ‘lone working’, because they haven’t updated their app.

Some people will have auto-update enabled so they won’t need to do this, others may need to do it manually. 

Why am I being asked to check in/out of my volunteering?

Some activities may require you to enter a person's home. We want to ensure that both you and the person being supported are kept safe and that you have a mechanism to tell us you have arrived and also left and completed the lone working activity. 

How is my data used in the lone working system?

If you’d like to know more please read our privacy notice[2] on the website.

I have accepted a task but on speaking to the person I need to change the date and/or time of the task

Please ring our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[3] and they will take the details so the task can be amended.

I need to add more time to the appointment

Go into the app and select the 'Me' tab, under the lone working section there is a plus sign at the side, select this and add how much more time is required (in 15 minute intervals).

I need to add more time but I don’t have my phone on me

You will need to leave the person you supporting to get your phone and end the lone working function. Then contact our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] so we can change the time and date of the visit.  

I’m at the person's home address and can’t remember how to start lone working

For alerts - Go into the app and select the 'Me' tab. Under Lone Working, toggle to 'on', answer the duration question (how long you expect to be there), add a reason for the visit i.e. Home visit, then press ‘Start’. You will either see the toggle change to “On” or “Red” dependent if using Android or Apple. 

For shifts – Lone Working should be accessed through the accepted activity itself. Go to the ‘Activities’ tab, swipe on the tile accepted, just like you would when accepting the shift. Click on ‘Start Lone Working' and enter the duration and reason and click start. Lone Working will show as enabled on the tile.

I’m on a lone working visit and feel uncomfortable/want to leave etc

Please make your excuses i.e. you need to take a call outside and leave the address as soon as you can. Then call our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] and advise them of the situation.

I’ve completed the lone working activity and finished lone working on the App. Do I still need to complete the actions tab?

Yes. The 2 functions are separate, one is about your safety knowing you are safe and well once the appointment has started/finished.

You will still need to mark the activity as complete to record the outcome of the visit, please complete both.

Page last reviewed: 23 October 2024

Support in action

Can I continue to support a person outside of the scheme?

No. Volunteer Responders has stringent safeguarding and other support systems in place to protect both you and the people we support. For the safety of you and the people you help, you should not continue supporting anyone outside the programme.

How far am I reasonably expected to travel in order to fulfil a request?

Most of the travel requests will be very local, less than 5 miles. In more rural areas this will increase to a maximum of 20 miles.

Can I provide support after 8pm?

Alerts will be sent to people during the daytime and need to be completed by 8pm.

Can I accept/give a gift from/to the person I am supporting?

In the Volunteer Agreement[14] you signed up to when joining Volunteer Responders, it states that you agree to: ‘Not accepting any gifts or money from people you are supporting’.

We understand this might be hard to refuse and you don’t want to cause offense but giving or receiving gifts can blur boundaries and may create in the mind of the person being supported a perceived personal friendship instead of a professional relationship.

Can I bring my child along whilst im volunteering?

Unfortunately this is not possible as this is not covered by our liability insurance.

Page last reviewed: 16 October 2024

Concerns whilst volunteering

I have a concern.

Please call our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] if you have any concerns.

Page last reviewed: 23 May 2024

Site Support

How will I know what type of support a referrer requires from me as a Steward Volunteer?

Referrers have been advised that they must include the type of support they require in the additional information section of the task alert e.g. stewarding at a vaccination site.

If you have not received clear task information in your alert, you can reject the task. You may also want to raise this with the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] who can contact the referrer and advise them to re-submit a more detailed referral.

What types of support cannot be requested under the Steward Volunteer role?

Volunteers should not be expected to perform duties such as a receptionist role, clinical roles or stewarding for non-healthcare events or transport hubs.

If you have received an alert requesting these types of support, please call Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] who will contact the referrer.

I have selected ‘I will attend’ for a Steward Volunteer task but can no longer attend, what should I do?

Once you have confirmed attendance, this will show on your ‘tasks’ screen with attending in green, next to that shift. If you need to cancel a shift, swipe across the task, still on the tasks screen, and press ‘no longer attending’.

Is there a maximum number of shifts I can do?

If you are willing and able, you can commit to as many shifts as you feel able to support.

What happens if a referrer cancels Steward Volunteer shifts?

If a referrer cancels a request for Steward Volunteers and you have said you will attend, you will get a message in the messages/comms section of GoodSAM app. It will let you know of the cancellation and the shift/s will no longer show on your ‘tasks’ screen of GoodSAM.

I have arrived at shift and been sent away as they do not need volunteers?

Referrers have the facility to cancel a request for stewards or amend the number of stewards required. If you experience this then please contact us to let us know by calling the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] or email [email protected]. [15]

We will then follow this up and support the site to mitigate this happening again for you and for other volunteers.

Can I call the vaccination site for more details?

Please do not contact the referrer or vaccination site directly. Vaccination sites will be very busy. If you have any questions, please look at the Getting You Started Guide[16] and these FAQs or if you need to speak to someone, please call our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13].

I have been asked to complete a volunteer agreement at the vaccination site, is this correct?

Volunteers will be asked to do this by the NHS organisation responsible for managing vaccination sites in their area, known as a Lead Provider. It is an agreement between the Lead Provider and the volunteer, not with Volunteer Responders or Royal Voluntary Service.

When I log in to the app, there are no shifts in future tasks tab?

It’s important to check that all settings are correct and that notifications and location access is enabled. We have provided guidance in our GoodSAM app guide[1], 'how to download and enable settings'.

You should also check to make sure that you have the latest updates to the GoodSAM app. You can check this by going into your phone settings, into apps and checking if any updates are needed for the GoodSAM app.

You can also check the GoodSAM app in Apple Store or Google Play and if there are updates required you will be able to click on updates. This will ensure you have the latest version, and nothing is restricting access to future tasks.

If you are still experiencing issues, then please contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] or email [email protected][15]

My booked shifts have suddenly been cancelled and disappeared from the app. Why has this happened?

Occasionally shifts you have booked may be cancelled by the vaccination site due to unforeseen circumstances.

However, if you have a series of shift cancellations and/or they disappear from the app with no further details, please contact our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] so that we can investigate why this has happened.

What training will I be given?

The Getting You Started Guides[17] explain what is required of each activity, these sit alongside other supporting materials for volunteers that you should review before starting any tasks.

As no specific training is required, when you arrive at a vaccination site for the first time, the Site Leader will take you through a site introduction and briefing.

Is there an expected dress code for Site Support Volunteers?

Volunteers are expected to dress in appropriate comfortable footwear and clothing, suitable for a predominantly outdoor role in a range of weather conditions:

  • Casual denim is acceptable (no rips/holes etc)
  • Volunteers are asked to avoid wearing the following; sports team shirts or clothing with slogans/logos or offensive language
  • As we move into warmer weather, it’s important to work safely and maintain a welcoming and professional image at our NHS sites.

Please remember the following:

Always wear enclosed shoes onsite for your safety, ripped jeans and crop tops should not be worn onsite; skirts and shorts should be a suitable length.

Where will I be able to store my personal belongings?

As sites do vary, we encourage you only to take the essentials you need for stewarding e.g. phone for ID, bottle of water. Wherever possible please avoid taking anything unnecessary with you or if driving to site leave any other belongings safely in your car.

You can ask the Site Lead if there is anywhere to store belongings but due to different types of vaccination sites this may not always be possible.

Has a vaccination site risk assessment been completed and can I have a copy?

Each vaccination site has been set up by NHS England and a site risk assessment has been completed as part of that process. Stewarding Volunteers reporting to a vaccination site for the first time will be briefed by the Site Lead on health and safety and emergency site procedures as part of their site orientation. This will vary from site to site. If you want a copy of a site’s risk assessment, please discuss this with the Site Lead.

Can I accept shifts directly from the vaccination site?

Shifts you arrange outside the GoodSAM app are not covered by NHS and Care Volunteer Responders programme and we can only pay expenses for stewarding shifts you accept through the GoodSAM app.

Volunteering outside of the app also stops other Volunteer Responders from having a fair opportunity to support shifts. Please help us keep you supported and let us know if you attend a vaccination site as a Volunteer Responder and are asked to sign up to the site’s own volunteering rotas. Please call the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13].

Page last reviewed: 12 June 2024

Community Response

I'm a Community Response Volunteer what types of tasks will be asked to do?

You may not receive specific details in a Community Response alert, you can confirm with the person being supported when you contact them what support they require. This should only be a request to pick up shopping, a prescription or lateral flow test or accompany them to an activity.

If you are asked to do something else please advise the person being supported that you cannot assist outside of these tasks and contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] if you have any concerns. 

Do I need a car to carry out Community Response tasks?

Community Response Volunteers don’t need to be able to drive to carry out tasks, using public transport or a bicycle is accepted.

Just be mindful to set expectations with the person being supported if you are collecting shopping as to the weight of goods you can manage at any one time and be sure not to overload yourself.

The person who requested the support is not answering the door when I go to deliver.

When arranging the collection, do confirm with the person needing support the exact time you will be completing the task so they can agree to be in to receive the package.

Do knock loudly and ring any doorbell and allow time for the person to get to the door.

Try calling out through the letterbox and attempt to contact the person via the telephone. If you still cannot make contact, please telephone the Support team on 0808 196 3382[13].

You cannot hold on to the medicines overnight and delivery should be completed as soon as practicable to do so after collecting from the pharmacy.

I'm a Community Response volunteer and I've been asked to collect lateral flow tests, who is eligible for these?

People with identified health conditions are eligible for treatment for COVID-19 if they test positive. Free rapid lateral flow tests are available through local pharmacies for people with these identified conditions[18].

What should I do with the personal details provided to me so I can collect lateral flow tests on behalf of an eligble person?

It is important you follow the guidelines for dealing with confidential information. For a reminder when volunteering see data protection and confidentiality[19]

What if the person I'm collecting lateral flow tests for doesn't want to give me their details?

Advise them that you will be unable to collect the tests without this information to provide to the pharmacy and they will need to arrange collection through another route.

What do I do if the pharmacy I go to has no lateral flow tests?

Try other local pharmacies. If you are not able to pick up any tests please let the person know as soon as possible.

Which pharmacies can I collect lateral flow tests from?

Most pharmacies should have these in stock for eligible people. You can choose a pharmacy local to you rather than the one the person might usually use.

As a Community Response Volunteer, will I need to inform the person I am supporting or the Support Team that I cannot support for the full 6 week period?

You do not need to inform the person you are supporting if you are not able to continue. If you are no longer able to support, reject the alert and this will pass it to another available volunteer.

This volunteer will make contact with the person needing support. You can contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] if you have any concerns.

If the person I am supporting asks me to purchase supplies for an activity can I take their bank/debit/credit card to make the purchase?

You are not permitted to take a person’s bank card to a cashpoint to withdraw money on their behalf or pay for shopping contactless or by pin payments.

You are only permitted to use the Get Cash scheme[20] and must follow the payment guidance[21] we have for our Community Response volunteers. 

How do I encourage the person to do things independently? 

We urge volunteers to reiterate to the person receiving support that you are there to support them to engage in activities until they feel confident to participate independently. You could ask them what barriers they have to doing a particular activity so you can remove them together. 

Can I claim for subsistence if I take the person out?

We don’t want volunteers to be out of pocket. You can claim reasonable subsistence via volunteer expenses. Please see our expenses policy to see what is acceptable to claim back at concur.co.uk/rvs[22]

Can I pay for the person to have subsistence or take part in activities?

No. The person receiving support should have been made aware by the referrer that they will need to pay for their own activities and any expenses related to them e.g. bus fare, ingredients for baking, entry to any social groups or clubs, or subsistence when out and about. 

What if I don’t get on with the person and it is a 6 week referral?

Please contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] so that they can advise you.

How do I encourage the person to do things independently? 

We urge volunteers to reiterate to the person receiving support that you are there to support them to engage in activities until they feel confident to participate independently. You could ask them what barriers they have to doing a particular activity so you can remove them together. 

Please refer to Community Response and Driving Support[23] for more FAQs.

Page last reviewed: 23 October 2024

Driving Support

I'm a Pick Up and Deliver Volunteer, what will I be asked to collect/deliver?

Pick Up and Deliver Volunteers will be asked to deliver medicines or monitoring equipment to recently discharged people from hospital or in a virtual ward. These items will be delivered to a person's home address.

Any equipment you are given will be portable and can be handed over at the doorstep. Medicine deliveries will not contain any controlled substances.

I am a Pick Up and Deliver Volunteer, how will I receive my alerts?

You will receive information for the alert based on whether it is a one off urgent task or a scheduled task where you will potentially be delivering multiple items.

The alert will include details of where you are picking up the item(s) from, any additional information you may need such as parking information and the location you are delivering to. If the alert is for a scheduled task you will be given the delivery details when you arrive at the pick up location.

What if the person I am supporting has questions about the monitoring equipment I have delivered?

Please refer the person to contact the person name on their discharge letter or any information provided about the virtual ward.

The person being supported has asked me to return an old piece of monitoring equipment, or mobility aid such as a walking frame or crutches.

Please explain that this is not a permitted activity for Pick Up and Deliver, only items listed on the activity information by the hospital can be collected.

Please refer to Community Response and Driving Support[23] for more FAQs.

Page last reviewed: 14 August 2024

Telephone Support

I'm a Check In and Chat Volunteer, why can I only make 3 calls a month?

Following a review of our activities, we have received advice from the Disclosure and Barring Service that Check In and Chat Volunteers should only make up to 3 calls in a rolling 30 days.

The calls you provide are invaluable so please continue to make 3 a month where possible.

We would also ask you to consider supplementing these calls by signing up as a Companionship Calls Volunteer as well. This would mean on top of the 3 one-off calls you make a month, you would have regular conversations with the same person (3 calls per week for 6 weeks). Companionship Calls support more vulnerable people and requires a DBS. Referrers are provided with guidance on who is suitable for this support.

Can I make more than 3 Check In and Chat calls a month if I have a DBS?

You can make more than 3 calls a month if you have any other DBS role selected on the ‘Manage my roles’ page of the GoodSAM website[12].

I am a Check In and Chat Volunteer, can I call the same person twice over a 6 week period?

You are only able to call the same person twice within a 6 week period. If you find that you are getting numerous alerts for the same person, please 'Pass to another volunteer' on the GoodSAM app and ring the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] so we can look into this.

I am a Companionship Calls Volunteer, can I support the same person more than twice over a 6 week period?

Yes. Companionship Calls are designed to have 3 calls a week over 6 weeks for each person you are supporting. This activity requires a DBS certificate on application so you are able to provide ongoing support to the same person.

Page last reviewed: 12 June 2024

Community Response and Driving Support

What if the person I am supporting has questions about their medication, or how to take it?

Please refer the person to contact the dispensing pharmacy. The contact details should be found on the medication package label or the bag label. If you are a Pick Up and Deliver Volunteer please refer the person to the person name on their discharge letter or any information provided about the virtual ward.

I have been asked to sign for the medication by the pharmacist, can I do that?

Yes, as long as you have consent from the person being supported to collect their medication.

Some medications require signature for collection as you are acting as a person representative, you will therefore be required to sign.

In some instances, the pharmacy team may telephone the person you are supporting to confirm consent to collect. Do not be worried by these additional checks.

What if the medication I collect spills or packaging breaks?

Please telephone the pharmacy or the named contact details on GoodSAM for advice and notify the person you are supporting as soon as possible. The contact details should be found on the medication package label or the bag label.

I have been asked to deliver another person’s medication which I wasn’t tasked with through GoodSAM. Am I ok to do this?

If you are a Community Response Volunteer, the consent to collect medicine is a one to one task between the person on GoodSAM and you as a Volunteer Responder. Therefore any additional must go through GoodSAM.

If you are a Pick Up and Deliver Volunteer you might be asked to take more than one prescription. Please allow time to complete this in your shift and retain the postcodes for your expenses claim. These should be destroyed after your claim has been completed.

The person being supported has asked me to return a hazardous waste bag or bin to the pharmacy. What should I do?

Explain to the person being supported that this is not a permitted activity for Volunteer Responder. As the disposal of hazardous waste is different depending on Local Authority, please advise the person being supported to contact their local council.

This also applies to unused or out of date medicines.

Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024

General queries

I would like to change my phone number or home address

Please log in to GoodSAM where you can amend your details on your account.

I would like to change my name or email address

Please contact our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[13] who can do this for you.

I want to unsubscribe from email communications

As Volunteer Responders is a digital programme, we need to send you emails to keep you informed of any updates. We also use email to let you know about any new and refreshed volunteering opportunities. There are 3 options available to you.

  1. Stay with the programme. This means you will still receive email updates and be able to continue volunteering.
  2. Join the reserves. If you want to step back from volunteering for now and join the reserves, regular communications will stop but we may contact you if new volunteering activities are created or if there is an emergency. To join the reserves, log in to the GoodSAM app,[12] go to 'Remove me' tab to adjust the preferences in your profile and click “Join Volunteer Responder reserve list”.
  3. Be removed from the programme. If you no longer wish to be a Volunteer Responder, please go to the GoodSAM app[12], and use the “Remove me” tab to click “Remove Me from the Volunteer Responders programme”. Your data will be removed from our systems in line with our privacy notice[2] and you will no longer receive emails. This means that you will also no longer be able to volunteer as a Volunteer Responder and will not be able to search for tasks and shifts on the GoodSAM app.
Where can I find out more information about my role and the questions I have?

We have a section specifically for our Volunteer Responders[24], this has frequently asked questions, app guidance and Getting You Started Guides for each of the different volunteer roles[17].

Do I need to change my car insurance to be able to drive as a volunteer?

Volunteers using their own car for voluntary purposes to support others should check the information on the Association of British Insurers website[25] before undertaking any driving activity as you may not be insured, the information includes a list of insurers who do not charge extra for volunteer driving.

I do not want to be a Volunteer Responder anymore, how do I remove my details?

Thank you for supporting the Volunteer Responders programme. We want to let you know that if you decide to stop being a volunteer and cancel volunteering we can remove your details from the system. This will mean you will no longer be able to receive alerts and will end volunteering on behalf of the programme.

If you no longer wish to be a Volunteer Responder, please go to the GoodSAM app[12], and use the “Manage my preferences” tab to click “Fully Remove Me”. Your data will be removed from our systems in line with our privacy notice[2] and you will no longer receive emails. This means that you will also no longer be able to volunteer as a Volunteer Responder and will not be able to search for tasks and shifts on the GoodSAM app.

What are the pilot areas for Ambulance Support?

The areas for Ambulance Support are currently - Northwest Ambulance Service Blackpool, Cumberland Infirmary, Preston, Blackburn.

What is the Recite Me logo on the website?

Recite Me is an assistive toolbar to support people who are neurodivergent, visually impaired, speak English as a second language or generally face barriers when accessing web content. You can customise and adjust website elements to your individual needs. This looks at aspects such as font style, size, colour, language, zoom functionality, keyboard navigation, screen readers and more.

How do I use the Recite Me button?

Just click on the button in the bottom left hand corner of this website. This will add a toolbar to the top of the page allowing you to select a number of options to support you in making our website more accessible. Once clicked, you can also hover over any words, and it will read them aloud to you.

How do I turn Recite Me off?

To close the Recite toolbar, click on the icon marked "Close" to the right of the Toolbar.

Need further assistance with Recite Me?

You can find out more about how Recite Me works from the Recite Me user guide[26] or by watching the video[27] at the bottom of this page on our website.

Page last reviewed: 25 February 2025


How do I claim my out of pocket expenses?

Please visit concur.co.uk/rvs[28]

Here you will find Frequently asked Questions, a Quick Start Guide, many How-to videos and the Expenses Policy or email [email protected][29] with any queries you may have.

Can I claim expenses?

You can claim expenses. Each scheduled task you attend will generate a specific case number/task ID. This will be uploaded to the expense system the following day after attending in order for you to claim. For more information on what you can claim, visit concur.co.uk/rvs[28]

Where can I find my case number/task ID to claim?

The case number/task ID will automatically upload to the expenses system once you have completed your shift and will show in the drop down menu when you start a new claim. You can find the case number/task ID in GoodSAM app by going into the reports section.

I can’t access my Concur volunteer expenses account because of Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)?

SAP concur have introduced MFA as an extra layer of security to ensure enhanced protection to protect your personal details. All users will need to use MFA.

Download Multi Factor Authentification Guide[30] (PDF, 454KB)

Page last reviewed: 29 May 2024

Uniform and ID

I am worried about cross-contamination when using my phone to show ID, shall I make my own ID badge?

Please do not create your own ID. Present your ID on your phone via the GoodSAM app.

I would like to create my own T-shirt/uniform is this ok?

Please do not create a uniform, this is a non-uniform support programme.

This is to ensure there is clarity for those we are supporting about how to ID check their volunteer and to prevent the risk of people who are not volunteers creating replica uniforms that could potentially be used for negative purposes.

It is therefore vital that our Volunteer Responders do not create their own uniforms and instead use their profile as identification within the GoodSAM app.  

Page last reviewed: 29 May 2024

Programme changes - June 2024

Why are the changes taking place?

Changes have been made to the Volunteer Responders programme and to the GoodSAM app to give you greater choice and greater control over your volunteering and a wider variety of volunteering opportunities.

What are the changes?

Changes to GoodSAM (on the App)

You’ll now see a new 'activities' tab on the GoodSAM app, offering a wider variety of roles based on your profile, the checks you have completed, and the volunteering you like to do. All the familiar roles will be there.

Following the changes, nearly all activities will be listed in the 'activities' tab and fewer will be sent as alerts that need an immediate response. This means you can pick the activities you want to do ahead of time, making it much easier for you to plan your volunteering. 

Please keep checking the activities tab on the GoodSAM app to pick your volunteering tasks.   

From August, there will still be the occasional siren (or music) alert, but this will be limited to urgent requests that require an immediate response. Please remain on duty and keep checking the activities tab as well. 

Changes to the volunteering roles and activities (on the GoodSAM website)

During your volunteering, you will use both the GoodSAM website[12] and the GoodSAM mobile app. As a reminder, the GoodSAM website is where you manage your account, such as changing your contact details and adding or removing volunteering activities. The GoodSAM app is to book volunteering tasks and shifts. 

A range of different volunteer activities may be included within the roles you select, adding to the variety for you and expanding the help we can provide. For example, if you select Community Response, you may be offered Shopping, Pharmacy and Connect activities.  

The availability of shifts and tasks will depend on demand in your area. Even if there are fewer shifts in your area, checking the GoodSAM app regularly is a great help. 

We have also updated some names for some activities. For example, Check In and Chat Plus has been renamed Companionship Calls. You will also see some new activities, such as Connect, which was piloted in a few areas, and is now available across England.  

Log in to your GoodSAM account[12] to check your volunteering activities. To find out more about an activity, simply click on the role guide underneath the activity name.  

What volunteering activities will you be able to see?

With the updates to the app made today, we will automatically add any role you are eligible for based on completed checks, such as a DBS check and driver status. You will see on the screenshot above that there are levels, Red, Green and Blue. Green is the highest level. Activities in this level are open to volunteers who have completed an Enhanced DBS check with Adult Barred.

You can also remove any roles you don’t want to see on the app by logging in to your account on the GoodSAM website[12] and going to ‘Manage your current roles’.

What is the new Lone Working procedure?

As part of the introduction of new activities, we have expanded opportunities for volunteers to support people one to one both in their home or accompanying them to different activities in the community.  

We have a tried and tested Lone Working function within the GoodSAM app used through some of our pilot activities and can now roll this out wider to ensure volunteers stay safe when completing tasks.  

For the Community Response, In Home and Driving Support roles, you are required to follow the Lone Working guidance. This is important to keep you safe whilst volunteering. For Pick Up and Deliver Plus and Community Response, you may be asked to enter the person’s home to deliver items. This will depend on the needs of the person you are supporting. You can discuss this with them on first contact.  

Read the guidance on Lone Working[31].

Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024


  • [1] /guides/the-goodsam-app
  • [2] /privacy-information/privacy-notice-for-volunteers
  • [3] tel:08081963382
  • [4] tel:01615373970
  • [5] mailto:[email protected]
  • [6] https://www.goodsamapp.org/
  • [7] https://reedscreening.com/
  • [8] https://www.goodsam.org.uk/login
  • [9] #
  • [10] /im-a-volunteer/watch-getting-started-with-the-goodsam-app
  • [11] tel:%2008081963382
  • [12] https://www.goodsamapp.org/login
  • [13] Tel:08081963382
  • [14] /guides/key-information/our-volunteering-agreement
  • [15] mailto:[email protected]
  • [16] /guides/site-support/stewarding-support
  • [17] /im-a-volunteer/volunteer-roles
  • [18] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/covid-19/treatments-for-covid-19/
  • [19] /guides/key-information/data-protection-and-confidentiality
  • [20] https://www.natwest.com/support-centre/banking-from-home/how-to-use-the-mobile-app/what-is-get-cash-and-how-do-i-use-it.html
  • [21] /guides/key-information/payment-options-shopping
  • [22] http://concur.co.uk/rvs
  • [23] /guides/faqs-for-volunteer-responders/community-response-and-driving-support
  • [24] /i-want-to-volunteer
  • [25] https://www.abi.org.uk/products-and-issues/choosing-the-right-insurance/motor-insurance/volunteer-drivers/
  • [26] https://reciteme.com/news/digital-accessibility/
  • [27] /accessibility
  • [28] https://www.concur.co.uk/rvs
  • [29] mailto:[email protected]
  • [30] /media/d3tphafc/multifactorauthentification.pdf
  • [31] /guides/lone-working