Support requirements
Select the type of support you are requesting from the available options. For more information see support available.
When you select the type of support the available activities for this category will be displayed, not all activities are available in all locations, the image below is an example.

Telephone Support
Friendly chats to reduce loneliness and improve wellbeing.
Available activities:
- Check In and Chat Call - from different volunteers each time
- Companionship Calls - from the same volunteer (up to 3 calls per week for 6 weeks).
Community Response
Collection and delivery of essential shopping, prescriptions, or lateral
flow tests to people at home. Alternatively, accompany the person to an activity in the community.
Available activities:
- Shopping - small shop
- Shopping - large shop
- Pharmacy - collection/delivery
- Connect - accompany to an activity (e.g. lunch club, walks).
You will then need to enter the reason for the activity support.

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Page last reviewed: 18 October 2024