Signing up
I want to volunteer, where can I sign up?
You can join us by signing up via the website
You will complete a short online application and complete an ID check, which is carried out by our partners Reed Screening. You will be redirected to their site to complete the ID check.
Can I and my partner volunteer as a couple?
All volunteers need to sign up as individuals and complete the necessary ID checks, Driver Declaration and Status and DBS checks (if applicable).
Our system isn’t capable of issuing joint tasks and each task has an individual ID number which is recorded on a volunteers GoodSAM profile and for volunteers to claim expenses etc.
If a volunteer needs a personal assistant to support their access needs please get in touch with our Support Team who can advise you.
What ID do I need?
You will need either a valid photo driving licence, a valid Passport from any country or a National Identity Card. Find out more about ID checking.
How do I upload my ID?
Please see our ID checking process.
How long will it take to verify my ID?
The ID check is an instant online process if all the information is correct and verified.
Once the ID checking process has begun if you need technical assistance, you can contact Reed Helpdesk on 0161 537 3970 or email [email protected]
I have a DBS, can I use it?
The DBS must be registered with the DBS Update Service. Find out more about DBS checking.
How do I use the GoodSAM app?
Find out more about The GoodSAM app.
Can I sign up to multiple activities?
Yes, there are various activities to choose from and you can sign up for as many as you are able to support.
However, some activities require different levels of DBS checks which you can apply for or if you already have one needs to be issued in the last 12 months.
If you are looking to add multiple activities then we suggest you choose the activity with the highest level of DBS check first. Find out more about levels of checks.
I have not received my 'activate' email to confirm my email address.
Please check your junk/clutter inbox in the first instance. If you cannot locate the email, please visit and enter your email address in the ‘Lost the verification email?’ box and you will receive another email. If the system does not recognise your email then you haven’t completed the full registration and you will need to register again.
I have been approved what’s next?
Thank you for stepping forward and signing up. Once your ID and/or DBS has been completed, you will be sent a link to download the GoodSAM App and we can start matching you to local requests for support.
Download the app (GoodSAM Responder) on Apple / Google Play stores and log in. Don’t forget to switch to ‘on duty’ when you are available to receive tasks.
I am already a Royal Voluntary Service volunteer. Do I need to apply?
If you could apply through, this will allow us to make sure we can assign you to specific local support requests as part of Volunteer Responders.
How will I be informed of requests for support?
This depends on the activities you have signed up for. There will either be a same day urgent request for support which will come as an alert or you will need to search for scheduled tasks within the GoodSAM app and sign up for these as a shift.
What is the GoodSAM App? I’m not a first aider?
GoodSAM is a platform that has been saving many lives for the last 10 years. It alerts those trained (from resuscitation to cardiac arrest) to nearby incidents, while the ambulance is enroute. It is because of our technology of coordinating volunteers to those in need, that the system has been adopted for the Volunteer Responders programme.
Do I need to upload a photo for my profile picture on the app?
Yes, please upload a photo. This will be used as your ID when supporting person or supporting partner. Please makes sure you have your phone with you at all times when volunteering. You could be asked to provide ID at any time.
How do I add or remove volunteer roles?
You select which roles you would like to do when you register as a volunteer and can add/remove roles on the GoodSAM website, you will need the appropriate level of ID check required by the role.
I have been approved but I haven’t received my Getting You Started Guide or the Getting You Started Guide is not attached to the email?
A link to the Getting You Started Guide will be included in the first email you receive when you registered. This is the same email that requested you to verify your email address. You can also find these guides on this website.
Is the app designed for people with accessibility issues such as individuals who are blind or partially sighted?
At this stage the app does not support people who are blind or partially sighted. We will update any guidance documents with relevant information if this becomes available.
Do I need to change my car insurance to be able to drive as a volunteer?
Volunteers using their own car for voluntary purposes to support others should check the information on the Association of British Insurers website before undertaking any driving activity as you may not be insured, the information includes a list of insurers who do not charge extra for volunteer driving.
Will I receive an ID card?
You won’t receive an ID card, your ID card is your profile page on the GoodSAM app, this is what you will need to show if asked by the person you are supporting or at a site to identify you as a volunteer.
If you have come across anything referring to a GoodSAM identity card, you are trying to register on the app instead of logging in. Please log in using your email address and password that you supplied at sign up stage.
Does being a responder mean you will be called to an emergency. Is this the same as a First Responder for heart attacks?
You will only be asked to support the Volunteer Responder programme. Whilst the app is used for several organisations such as paramedics, this is completely separate.
How up to date does my device/smart phone need to be?
As long as you are able to download the app (GoodSAM Responder) on Apple/Google Play store then you will be able to use the app on your phone.
Can the same email address be used for more than one person?
Unfortunately not, we can only have one volunteer allocated to one email address.
Can I volunteer using my bike?
This depends on the activity you are doing, but in most cases this is fine as long as you are able to transport goods safely.
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Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024