Volunteer Responders checks

All Volunteer Responders require an ID check and Driver Status and Declaration and for some activities you may also need to complete a DBS check.

These checks will take place as part of the sign up process.

Sign up to be a Volunteer Responder

By completing the highest level of check - the Level Green - means you won't need to do any further checks for all current and future volunteer activities.

Levels of checks

Level Green - Enhanced DBS check with Adult Barred check

The following activities need you to complete an Enhanced DBS check, with a check against the Adult Barred List:

You will be also be able to undertake all activities in:

  1. Level Blue
  2. Level Red

Level Blue – Enhanced DBS check

The following activities need you to complete an Enhanced DBS check and an identity check:

You will also be able to undertake all activities in:

  1. Level Red

Level Red – activities with identity check

The following activities need you to complete an identity check:

Sign up to be a Volunteer Responder