Key information for Volunteer Responders

Reporting accidents and incidents

Royal Voluntary Service needs to be informed of any accident or incident, no matter how small. It ensures we are doing everything we can to make your role as safe and risk-free as possible.

Therefore, any accident or incident that happens must be reported even when the person that has been injured says they are okay. For example, a volunteer may fall coming into a building and bruise their knee, other than being a little shaken, they appear to be fine. This incident needs to be reported as the fall may have caused further damage to themselves that they may not be aware of at the time.

  • Contact the emergency services if necessary
  • Notify a First Aider (if one is available)
  • Contact the Support Team to record the accident or incident onĀ 0808 196 3382.

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Page last reviewed: 03 November 2023