Site Support

Stewarding Support

As a Stewarding Volunteer you’ll guide people on site to make sure the vaccination process runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. 

Volunteers will work as part of a team including NHS staff and volunteers. 

You’ll be asked to support a variety of tasks stewarding at COVID-19 vaccination sites. You may also be asked to support with stewarding at vaccination sites where COVID-19 and flu or polio vaccinations are taking place. All shifts will be concluded by 8pm, please don’t agree to stay after this time.

This includes: 

  • Stewarding at car parks 
  • Stewarding at health and NHS sites such as GP surgeries and hospitals. 

Getting started 

Before your first task 

  1. All requests for Stewarding Support will show in the GoodSAM app under the ‘Activities’ tab. You will need to log into the GoodSAM app and regularly check for new requests for support in your area. Please refer to using the GoodSAM app for information on how to log into the app and look for and sign up to shifts.
  2. When supporting at a COVID-19 vaccination site you will be supported by a Site Lead. You will be asked to report to the Site Lead when you arrive for your volunteering shift. They will deliver your induction, guide you through your role and answer any questions you may have. 
  3. Shifts will vary in length from 1 to 4 hours, it is possible you may be on site for up to 4.5 hours maximum if you need an induction or debriefing. Please bear this in mind when signing up for tasks via GoodSAM. If you are completing 2 consecutive shifts on the same day you are able to claim subsistence, please refer to our expenses website for further details and limits.
  4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), where needed, for your role will be provided by the Site Lead when you arrive for your volunteering shift.  

Activity specific tips 

Dress for the occasion

Some stewarding activities will be delivered outside. It is essential you wear appropriate clothing to remain warm and dry while outside, e.g. waterproof clothing. Please also consider what you are bringing to the site as there may not be anywhere to store personal belongings. 

Stewarding at health, NHS and care sites

As a Stewarding Volunteer you will help people move easily and safely though health, NHS and care sites. This could include: 

  • flu clinics
  • GP surgeries
  • Pharmacies.

You may also be asked to support with managing queues of people outside a clinic or surgery and directing them to the right place.

Stewarding may also involve monitoring numbers of people and ensuring safe social distancing measures are followed, as well as identifying people who may need extra support. 

You will also need to ask if the NHS/health service you are supporting has any specific guidelines that you need to be aware of. Some examples may be: 

  • Regularly disinfecting and cleaning high-touch surface areas.
  • Wearing PPE for the role.
  • Minimising the number of items that need to be touched, for example pens used for signing people in and out of the clinic. 
Stewarding car parks

You may be asked to support the safe movement of cars in a car park. It is essential you are issued with the correct PPE by the NHS/health service.

It is also essential that you are briefed on safe places to stand when directing cars. This will have been confirmed as part of the site health and safety risk assessment and will be communicated to you when you arrive on site. 

Any safeguarding concerns relating to you or members of the public must be reported to the Site Lead as soon as possible. The Site Lead will support you to do this to ensure that everyone attending a vaccination site is safe. 

If you feel unwell, please decline your shift as early as possible to allow another volunteer to pick up the shift. If you feel unwell during your shift, please contact the Site Lead to inform them. 

If you experience any difficulties while you’re volunteering or face any circumstances which make you feel uncomfortable, we are here to support you. Please call the Support Team on 0808 196 3382. All concerns will be handled sensitively, and we will work with you to ensure a safe and positive volunteering experience.  

Potential questions you may be asked 

Can you help with some admin tasks? 

Volunteers should not be asked to do any admin tasks, for example answering the telephone, entering data and booking appointments. 

Skills Bank 

We have a selection of resources in the Skills Bank that may help you with your volunteering. We have linked to the resources that we think would support you with this activity, take some time to look through them to build your confidence. 

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Page last reviewed: 17 June 2024