Guide for referrers

Check In and Chat and Check In and Chat Plus - referrer guide

Check In and Chat: A person who requires a telephone chat and some encouragement to reduce loneliness and improve their wellbeing (these will be from a number of different volunteers).

Check In and Chat Plus Support: A vulnerable person who requires regular telephone calls and encouragement to reduce loneliness and improve their well-being and these should be from the same volunteer (3 calls per week for 6 weeks from a volunteer).

How to fill in the referral form

Complete the referrer information

  • Select your Local Authority and which type of organisation you represent from the dropdown list.
Referrer type GoodSAM app screen grab

  • Select which type of support you require: You must select the correct support as this is matched to a volunteer with specific vetting for that role. IF YOU ARE UNSURE, PLEASE CALL 0808 196 3382
Select Check In and Chat GoodSAM app screen grab

Details of the person you are referring

Details GoodSAM app screen grab

Support details

Select the frequency. If support is needed on a more regular basis, select yes then select the frequency. Please note that support will only be provided for a maximum of 6 weeks for Check In and Chat Plus and 18 weeks for Check In and Chat, support will end after this duration and a new referral will need to be made.

Support details GoodSAM app screen grab

Your details

Complete the referrer contact details and declaration.

Your details GoodSAM app screen grab

What next?

Once you click Register Referral, your request will be live in the system. The system will now automatically search for nearby ‘on duty’ volunteers.  Alerts will be sent to one volunteer at a time.  If a volunteer accepts then the referral will be matched.  If a volunteer rejects or does not accept an alert, it will move on to the next volunteer. 

No match is made

If your dashboard shows that a task was not matched with a volunteer, you can always log a new request for support.

If you have any problems, please contact the Volunteer Responders support team on 0808 196 3382.

Volunteer alerts or notifications

Volunteer alert GoodSAM app screen grab

Please cancel referrals if the person no longer requires support. This avoids unnecessary calls being made, which can be frustrating for both the person being supported and the volunteer. Requests are time limited to 6 weeks for Check In and Chat Plus and 18 weeks for Check In and Chat.

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Page last reviewed: 16 November 2023