FAQs for people who would like support

Accessing support

What kind of help can I access?

Support is available for via self-referral and via a professional referrer. Please see our I'd like support page for the latest support available.

You can call our self-referral phone line to make a referral on 0808 196 3646.

How do I access support?

If you, or someone you know, would like to register for support from Volunteer Responders, please call 0808 196 3646 and speak to our Support Team who can register your request.

Am I eligible for support?

Telephone Support is a preventative activity to support people with a current health need in need of a friendly call and encouragement to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

These services are not designed to be a treatment service and therefore anyone with complex vulnerabilities or needs would not be suitable to be referred into the scheme.

Examples where the service would not be appropriate:

  • People with complex mental health needs 
  • People who are known to be suicidal 
  • People with severe cognitive impairment
  • Referrals for those with drug addiction or alcohol dependency.

If it is identified by our Support Team that the service is no longer suitable, then you may be signposted to or supported in accessing more appropriate providers.

What information do I need to provide when I call to register for support?

You will be asked to provide your contact details including address and phone number and your GP/Healthcare details. We need your GP details to ensure you have the right support for your needs.

Can a family member refer in on behalf of a relative that meets the criteria?

Yes, as long as the person being referred has given their consent the family member can call on their behalf.

I want to know if my health professional or GP has already referred me into the programme?

You can call the Support Team on 0808 196 3382 and they will look into this for you.

What information will I receive?

If you register for volunteer support you will be sent a letter that will give you more details about the programme and what you can expect from our volunteers and how we use your data. You can ask for a copy of our privacy notice when requesting support if you require one.

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Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024