Volunteer eNewsletter

Volunteer eNewsletter

This email was sent to Volunteer Responders in June 2024.

In this edition we focus on:

  • Learn more about changes to Volunteer Responders
  • GoodSAM app: is yours up to date?
  • How to check for shifts
  • An exciting update to Check In and Chat
  • Have you completed our recent poll?
  • Have you experienced the benefits of volunteering?
  • Check out our Skills Bank
  • Pride Month 2024!
  • When volunteering benefits you too
  • Your questions answered

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

Learn more about changes to Volunteer Responders

We recently invited you to a series of webinars explaining some of the exciting updates we have made to the programme. We have now arranged additional webinars.

We invite anyone who did not attend a session to join us by clicking the button below.

These sessions will be the same as those held earlier in June. You do not need to attend one of these sessions if you have attended one recently, but you are welcome to if you would like.

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

GoodSAM app: is yours up to date?

Following the exciting updates to the programme, please check your GoodSAM app is updated on your mobile phone via your relevant app store (the Apple App Store or Google Play).

Your app must be updated to see these changes.

You can check this by going into your phone settings, into apps and checking if any updates are needed for the GoodSAM app. You can also check the GoodSAM app in Apple Store or Google Play. If there are updates required, you will be able to click on updates.

See further guidance on using the GoodSAM app[1].

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

How to check for shifts

Please keep checking the ‘Activities’ tab on the GoodSAM app to pick your volunteering tasks.

See the GoodSAM app guide[2] for a reminder on how to do this.

Nearly all activities are now listed in the ‘Activities’ tab. You’ll see a new ‘Activities’ tab on the GoodSAM app, where you will find a wider variety of roles based on your profile, the checks you have completed, and the volunteering you like to do.

Our Support Team are also on hand for any queries you have. You can contact them on 0808 196 3382[3].

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

An exciting update to Check In and Chat

Thanks to your feedback, we are made some changes to Check In and Chat. To hear more on this, look out for an email from us towards the end of the week.

Thank you for your support.

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

Have you completed our recent poll?

In partnership with the London School of Economics (LSE), we recently invited you to complete a short poll so we can better understand the impacts of volunteering. The data will be analysed by Royal Voluntary Service and LSE for scientific research purposes only.

We would be grateful if you could please answer four short questions. Click the button below to complete the survey.

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

Have you experienced the benefits of volunteering?

We love to promote the benefits of volunteering, with examples from real volunteers.

We are looking for Volunteer Responders who have experienced the benefits of volunteering – in particular those who may have found a sense of purpose, or found their mental health improving, through volunteering.

If you have reaped these rewards, have volunteered with Responders in 2024, and would be open to potentially sharing your story with us for possible media work, we would love to hear from you.

To discuss this opportunity further, ask questions, or share your experience, please email [email protected][5] by 28 June.

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

Check out our Skills Bank

As a Volunteer Responder, you utilise valuable skills when helping those in need. We have therefore compiled a list of resources to help you support those across all of our different activities.

To find out more, browse our Skills Bank[6]

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

Pride Month 2024!

Throughout June and beyond, we’ll be celebrating allyship, inclusion, and talented LGBTQ+ people at the Virtual Village Hall.

Sessions include:

  • Welcome to Pride Month at the Virtual Village Hall with Caroline Gillwood, Head of EDI at Royal Voluntary Service
  • Intersectionality: Deconstructing Power and Privilege with award-winning equity and wellbeing educator, Laila El-Metoui from LEM Education
  • Neurodiversity in the LGBTQ+ Community with Dr. Tony Lloyd from ADHD Foundation – The Neurodiversity Charity
  • Clay pinch pots with ceramic artist, Olivia Hardman
  • Boys Sew Too and the Terrence Higgins Memorial Quilt

You can find more information on our Inclusion Hub[7] and click the button below to find out more about our Pride sessions.

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

When volunteering benefits you too

We’re always hearing from our volunteers that the reason they do what they do is because it makes them feel good, and now they’ve confirmed it!

A recent survey of our volunteers has found that their feeling of belonging to a neighbourhood and life satisfaction is much higher than the UK average.

We hope you continue to enjoy volunteering with us.

Volunteer surevey report graphic showing volunteer satisfaction at Volunteer responders programme

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024

Your questions answered

Questions this week include not being able to see task details on the GoodSAM app, not being able to see activities and do you need to register lone working if you enter the home to drop off shopping.

Read our latest FAQs[9]

I can no longer see details (such as surgery name or clinic for inoculation support) on the Activities tab. Where is the information?

If you click or swipe on the activity, you will be able to see more information and the site details should be included in this.

I can’t see any activities on my GoodSAM app.

It’s important to check that all settings are correct and that notifications and location access is enabled. We have provided guidance in our GoodSAM app guide, 'how to download and enable settings'.

You should also check to make sure that you have the latest updates to the GoodSAM app. You can check this by going into your phone settings, into apps and checking if any updates are needed for the GoodSAM app. You can also check the GoodSAM app in Apple Store or Google Play and if there are updates required you will be able to click on updates. This will ensure you have the latest version, and nothing is restricting access to future tasks.

Do I need to register Lone Working if I enter a home to drop off shopping?  

Yes. Any activity where you enter a person’s home requires lone working to be activated. 

Page last reviewed: 26 June 2024


  • [1] /guides/the-goodsam-app/using-the-goodsam-app
  • [2] /guides/the-goodsam-app/scheduled-activitiesshifts
  • [3] Tel:08081963382
  • [4] https://r1.dotdigital-pages.com/p/6DPZ-KRY/wellbeing-survey?pfredir=1
  • [5] mailto:[email protected]
  • [6] /im-a-volunteer/skills-bank
  • [7] /im-a-volunteer/inclusion
  • [8] https://virtualvillagehall.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/special-events/pride-month-2024
  • [9] /guides/faqs-for-volunteer-responders