Shopping - small shop aims to support people who are unable to collect their essential shopping.
This will be a small shop, typically a few items in a basket that can be done at a local shop. Volunteers will support by delivering the shopping to the doorstep or if required, support the person by taking it into their home.
Volunteers are not permitted to purchase alcohol or tobacco products for the person being supported.
This activity is available either as a one-off or once a week for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Who is eligible for this support?
This may be:
to carers and to people with health conditions where there is a current health need
people waiting to be admitted to hospital or those who have just been discharged
a person referred must have access to a means of payment (if required).
This support is not suitable for:
People who can collect their own shopping.
People who want to do their own shopping with the support of a volunteer – See Connect for this type of support.
Please ensure you have also read the programme referral criteria[7] and that the person meets this criteria before making a referral.
Page last reviewed: 22 July 2024
Shopping – large shop
Shopping - large shop aims to support people who are unable to collect their essential shopping.
This will be a large shop, typically multiple items in a trolley from a supermarket. Volunteers will support by delivering the shopping and if required, support the person by taking it into their home. Alternatively, the shopping may solely be delivered to the person’s doorstep.
This activity is available either as a one-off or once a week for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Who is eligible for this support?
This may be:
if the referral supports the persons mental/physical health
carers and people with health conditions where there is a current health need
people waiting to be admitted to hospital or those who have just been discharged
a person referred must have access to a means of payment (if required).
This support is not suitable for:
People who can collect their own shopping.
People who want to do their own shopping with the support of a volunteer – See Connect for this type of support.
Please ensure you have also read the programme referral criteria[7] and that the person meets this criteria before making a referral.
Page last reviewed: 22 July 2024
Pharmacy – collection/delivery
Pharmacy – collection/delivery aims to support people who are unable to collect a prescription for themselves.
Volunteers will typically support by collecting and delivering prescription medication, but it could also be for medical devices, glasses, or hearing aids to individuals. Collecting from a community pharmacy and delivering to the persons home address.
The volunteer will act as the ‘patient representative’ as such, the referral must be on the instruction of the patient. A pharmacy cannot refer or use this service to replace or enhance a paid delivery driver service that they provide to their customers.
All collection locations must be within the community and not from a secondary healthcare setting i.e. Hospital.
Volunteers may be asked to deliver to the doorstep or, with patient consent, may enter the home address.
The volunteer support for this activity is available either as a one-off or once a week for a maximum of 6 weeks.
Who is eligible for this support?
This may be:
healthcare professionals can refer people waiting to be admitted to hospital or those who have just been discharged
carers and people with health conditions where there is a current health need.
This support is not suitable for:
acute hospital pharmacies (prescriptions)
community pharmacies (whereby they are using instead of their own delivery service).
Please ensure you have also read the programme referral criteria[7] and that the person meets this criteria before making a referral.
Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024
Connect – accompany to an activity
Connect – accompany to an activity aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people receiving support by assisting the person to engage in social activities, hobbies, and pastimes within their community.
Volunteers will support people to access the community and take part in social activities. This could include:
Aiding people to go out into the community for example for social activities such as walks.
Supporting people to do their own shopping at local shops or supermarkets.
Helping people to join new activities and social groups.
Helping people access public transport and gain confidence in going out.
Enabling the maintenance of connections/relationships by supporting to visit a loved one in hospital or residential care.
Our volunteers will support people to participate in activities within the community, but will not replace the work of paid carers or carry out any personal care i.e. supporting people to the toilet, feeding, getting dressed etc.
Who is eligible for this support?
This may be:
people with health conditions where there is a current health need
person requesting support must have mental capacity
someone who has the ability to self-mobilise and transfer from seat/car etc if required.
This support is not suitable for:
people who require support in the home - See In Home Support.