Potential questions you may be asked

Potential questions you may be asked

As a volunteer, we understand that you maybe asked questions from the people you may be supporting.

Please see the relevant Getting You Started Guide for questions relating to a particular role or activity.

We have created this guide to support you with any general questions you may be asked and will continue to add further questions following any feedback from Volunteer Responders.

Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024


Can you continue to support me outside the Volunteer Responders programme? 

Please explain that you are not able to offer this as a Volunteer Responder. We ask that you do not pass your contact details to any one you support, nor maintain an ongoing relationship with them. 

The programme has been designed so that people get a different volunteer each time as part of our safeguarding for the programme and to protect you and the person you are supporting. 

Professional referrers are referring people into the programme on the understanding that these safeguards are in place and upheld. Failure to do so risks undermining their confidence in making future referrals. 

We recognise that many of you will want to help as much as you can but most people have been set up in the system to receive regular calls or support. This means they will benefit from a different volunteer calling each time. Continuing to contact them will only mean they receive multiple contacts from different volunteers which may confuse them. 

We have a separate service for those with increased need who may benefit from speaking to the same volunteer over a longer period. Please contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[1] if you think the person you are speaking to may benefit more from this service or you can advise the person that they can self-refer for this service by calling 0808 196 3646[2] (please note this a different phone number to our main support line, specifically for self-referrals). 

I need some practical help i.e. to collect my prescription or shopping

Advise them they can self-refer for a Community Response Volunteer to help with picking up prescriptions or shopping by calling 0808 196 3646[2] or you can contact the Support Team on 0808 196 3382[1] so they can follow up. 

Can I take down your phone number, so I can call you if I need anything? 

Establish what they mean by ‘need anything’ i.e. is this practical support we can offer through a different activity in the Volunteer Responders programme, such as Community Response or by matching them with other support locally. Politely tell them that you are not permitted to give out your personal contact details. 

I’m worried about my neighbour, can you call them if I give you their number? 

We would suggest your neighbour calls our Support Team on 0808 196 3382[3] to see if they are eligible for support. 

I’m feeling very sad/depressed/hopeless, I think I need some help.

Talk to them to understand their needs and if required, call the Support Team to refer them for practical support. Or suggest they speak to their GP who can discuss their concerns with them. If you are concerned about them, please ensure you alert the Support Team. 

I’m lonely and I don’t have anyone I can call 

Ask who they would usually talk to/spend time with and see if they can contact any of these people via phone. Let them know about any local services you might be aware of or contact the Support Team who can follow up as they may be eligible to receive Companionship Calls with the same volunteer over a 6-week period. 


Page last reviewed: 05 June 2024


  • [1] Tel:08081963382
  • [2] Tel:08081963646
  • [3] tel:08081963382