1. Statement
1.1 Royal Voluntary Service (“the Charity”) recognises that it is only with the support of its volunteers, employees and service users that it can succeed in its mission to inspire and enable people to give the gift of voluntary service to meet the needs of the day in their communities. It is therefore vital for the Charity to know when things go wrong so that it can try and put things right and improve its activities. Feedback on positive experiences is also welcomed – the Charity can use that feedback to recognise and reward good practice and to encourage similar experiences for others.
1.2 If and when things do go wrong, the Charity believes that it is best to deal with things straightaway before they grow into a big issue. The Charity also believes that complaints should be addressed in ways that are professional, practical, personal and positive so that complaints can be satisfactorily resolved and the same issue avoided in the future.
2. Aims of this policy
2.1 This policy aims to:
- provide a clear, easy to use and readily available guide to the way in which the Charity will handle complaints and compliments so that individuals know how to make a complaint and everyone at the Charity knows what to do if a complaint is received
- ensure that all complaints are investigated fairly, consistently and promptly
- ensure that complaints are resolved in a courteous, professional and positive way
- help the Charity gather information to help it continually improve the way it works.
3. What this policy covers
- a general enquiry about the work of the Charity or a request for information about us
- a contractual or legal dispute
- a formal request for disclosure of information for example under data protection legislation
- the immediate resolution of a minor query or day to day dissatisfaction which may be dealt with on a day to day basis at a local level
- a personal grievance from an employee when the Charity’s grievance policy and procedure should be used
- a formal incident, for example incidents regarding safeguarding, food hygiene, health and safety, fraud, theft, major financial, system or process irregularities, property or vehicle damage or burglary when the relevant incident reporting process should be used
- our fundraising practices when our fundraising complaints policy should be used and the complaint addressed to the Charity’s Fundraising Complaints Coordinator
- an activity where we are delivering services on behalf of another organisation, such as a Local Authority or the NHS and where there may be other arrangements in place that are better suited to handling the matter in which case we will let you know the relevant detail
- serious concerns about fraud, misconduct or wrongdoing when the Charity’s whistleblowing policy should be used.
4. How to make a complaint
4.2 If the matter cannot be dealt with this way (perhaps because of a conflict of interest or confidentiality issues) or the matter needs more serious attention, then please contact the Charity in the way that suits you best using any of the following:
- Email us: [email protected][4]
- Write to us: Comments Volunteer Support Team, Royal Voluntary Service, PO Box 565, Unit B, RD Park, Hoddesdon EN11 0RF.
- Email us: [email protected][5]
- Call us: 0808 196 3382[6]
- Write to us: Comments Volunteer Responders, Volunteer Support Team, Royal Voluntary Service, PO Box 565, Unit B, RD Park, EN11 0RF.
5. Acknowledging your complaint
6. What you can expect from us
6.1 Where a complaint is made, you can expect the Charity to take the complaint seriously and to treat it in an open, honest and fair way. We prefer to hear about issues and so you should feel free to raise a complaint without fear of disadvantage or repercussion.
6.2 Each complaint is likely to be unique and will therefore be handled in a way that reflects the nature of the complaint. Looking into a complaint may involve us doing some or all of the following:
- designating somebody to look into the complaint
- contacting or meeting you so that you can talk through your complaint in more detail and/or tell us what you are hoping for as an outcome from your complaint
- gathering information and establishing facts in order to get back to you
- providing written or verbal updates on the progress of the complaint, including reasons why it might take longer than anticipated to resolve
- letting you know our conclusion(s) about your complaint including what we have found and an explanation of how and why we reached those conclusions.
6.3 If we find that we got things wrong, then we will acknowledge that, explain why and show that we understand how our error affected you. If we find there is a fault in our systems or the way we do things, we will tell you what it is and how we plan to change things to stop it happening again. If we got something wrong, we will always apologise.
Your letter should set out the reasons why you feel further consideration of your complaint is merited and should be addressed to Chief Executive’s Office, Royal Voluntary Service, PO Box 565, Unit B, RD Park, Hoddesdon EN11 0RF.
The Chief Executive Officer will consider and may allocate another member of staff to consider your complaint. If so, that member of staff will respond to you with the conclusions of their review into your complaint within 21 working days of receipt of your letter to the Chief Executive Officer.
7. What we expect of you
8. Complaints received internally
8.1 A complaint that is received by anyone in the Charity should be forwarded to the Volunteer Support Team - [email protected][8] or if in relation to fundraising activity to the Fundraising Team - [email protected][9] - so that the teams can log the complaint, issue an acknowledgement to the complainant and address the complaint in line with this policy. Matters that are of particular sensitivity may, at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, be held separately by the Chief Executive Officer’s Office.
9. When a complaint won't be actioned
- a complaint is submitted anonymously. Whilst the complaint will still be considered the anonymous nature of it will prevent a response being given
- a complaint is about something with which the Charity has no direct connection. The Charity may wish to address the point but will have no obligation to
- someone unreasonably continues to pursue a complaint which the Charity has already considered and responded in line with this policy
- anyone is abusive, prejudiced or offensive in their manner or harasses a volunteer, employee, trustee or anyone connected with the Charity
- a complaint is used as a mechanism to create disharmony to the Charity or an individual
- a complaint is incoherent or illegible or forms part of a “round robin” or group mailing.
10. Learning lessons
10.1 The Charity’s Leadership Team will regularly consider reports on complaints and compliments including more serious issues raised, trends in terms of numbers of complaints or in particular areas and on the actions taken; the aim being to improve the Charity’s offering to all involved with the Charity and to improve standards and performance. High level reports may be reported to the Charity’s Audit and Risk Committee.
11. Compliments, comments and positive feedback
- Email us: [email protected][10][7]
- Write to us: Comments, Volunteer Support Team, Royal Voluntary Service, PO Box 565, Unit B, RD Park, Hoddesdon EN11 0RF.
12. Sharing this policy and review
12.2 This Policy will be reviewed every 3 years.
Page last reviewed: 27 January 2025